We value truth without legalism, community without judgment, and compassion without criticism.
You can be part of the greatest community in the world - the local church. I believe every person is created by God with a calling that will not only make life exciting and worth living, but will also offer the opportunity to help build God's kingdom. Oasis is just one of the instruments God may use to help you fulfill that calling. Your involvement in a local church is part of a divine plan to help you experience one of life's greatest adventures - participating in the most important work in the world with people you care about. We want to provide you with the opportunity, guidance and encouragement whenever and wherever it is needed. You will never regret the part you played in the most remarkable family ever seen - the local church!
Pastor Steve
Steve and Darnelle Mason
Pastor Steve and Darnelle were married in 1979. They have two children, Tim and Lisa (deceased). After their daughter's death, they became permanent legal guardians of their three young grandchildren. They currently have five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Steve was the founding Pastor of Oasis Church, in Redlands, CA. Steve and Darnelle have served the Body of Christ for most of their adult lives. Having recently moved to Beaumont, they look forward to serving the people of this community.
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God; the only reliable standard for our faith.
We believe in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons, yet absolutely one.
We believe in the person of Jesus Christ: the uncreated Creator of all things.
We believe the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His shed blood are the all-sufficient payment for our sins.
We believe that salvation is obtained solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that Christians receive the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit at salvation.
We embrace historic Christian teaching on all doctrines emphasizing Jesus Christ's death, resurrection and salvation through repentance and faith as a work of divine grace.